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Find Something New?

For those of you that do not know what the title of this post refers to, Ivanka Trump launched a new job initiative yesterday called 'Find Something New.'  Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.  In a nutshell, in order to work now you may have to take on a job that you have no training or familiarity with; additionally, to take that new job you are probably forgoing a career that you have worked towards and dedicated your life to.  Without getting political...this is terrible advice.  Experts in certain jobs is what makes America the great country it is.  Ebbs and flows in the job market are nothing new; there are always bull and bear times.  Continue pursuing your passion!  As always, the job market will come back into equilibrium.  Now, in the meantime, if you need to take on something to pay the bills, by all means do so.  That said, don't forget what you've been training for or what you went to school for or what you've been passionate about because of a fluct

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